Sunday, August 8, 2010

A Weekend well spent...

     It doesn't happen often, but the weekend was nice.  Of course, it's only 7:30am, so I suppose something could go wrong, but I'm going to be positive.
     Went down to our local watering hole for the first time in six months.  It's nice to be missed!  And, I've lost 75lbs in the past 12 mos., so that was noticed, which was nice. I absolutely thought I'd be downtown for a couple, when 11pm rolled around!  So a six hour stint on a bar stool has my patootie aching! Slept in 'til 12:45pm, got up, ate something, read my Facebook posts, and went down for a nap at 3pm.  What a life!
     In addition, when I got home, I performed Drunk-Facebooking.  In my case it just means trying to read posts with blurry vision...but then that's they way it is most of the time anyway.  I began a conversation with a man I was in school with.  He is a year older than I, and apparently painfully shy.  Not online, however. We enjoy chatting for long periods of time, and it's obvious to anyone reading out banters that we like each other..."like" at 50?  So, I went for it, because I knew he wouldn't.  We will be meeting at the main park in Freeport on Thursday.  Only thought about mosquitoes yesterday.  They're pretty bad because of the area's recent flooding.  This park was one of the hardest hit areas.  So we could be in for some blood loss.  I'm nervous about "meeting" him.  We went to school at the same time, but hung out with entirely different people.  He sort of blended in with the lockers, I was, unfortunately, loud and dying for attention. Two different kinds of dysfunction. His story far surpasses the pain in my own.  So, as Thursday rolls closer, I'll do what I always do...worry.
     Actually, this is a busy week for me!  Quick trip to Monroe for meds tomorrow, west, to Galena, to see Mom on Wednesday, then to see Barry in Freeport on Thursday.  For me, this is a full schedule!  Im sure by Friday I'll be worn out, but seeing Mom and Barry will be nice.
     Later, I'll go to meet my ex for the child exchange.  He lives in Rockford, I in O'ville, so we meet in a central town, Pecatonica, at a Mobil station.  It reminds me of a favorite movie "Bye, Bye Love".  The story of three single, weekend dads.  Their exchanges were always at a McDonalds. On Fridays I can range from "isn't it time for him to go yet", to "God this place seems huge without him"  By Sunday, I am looking forward to seeing Nick again.  He is such a good boy...err...young man.  Yes, he is now a teenager and pushes me as far as he can, but I am proud of his compassionate heart, sense of humor, and intelligence.  And if he reads this, he will give me the nasty eye and demand I delete it. Can't a Mom brag about her son?
     These past blog entries have not been the dynamic tear jerkers I thought they'd be, but I'm just starting.  Next, I will jump into "How They Met".
     God Bless!

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