Monday, July 4, 2011

Two Hundred Thirty Five years and still going, and going, and going......

     Happy Birthday USA!  Two hundred thirty five years old?  Just a pup on this Earth...A mere toddler, by comparison, complete with tantrums and the "mine, mine, mine" mentality.  You are still learning, developing, and tripping on your own feet.  So, is it any wonder you are in a state of political chaos much of the time?  No, but one can only grow from trip-ups and fall downs...I trust you will.
     Today, I celebrate the "founding fathers" that bravely demanded independence from a country they could no longer support.  I also celebrate their ancestors, who 164 years earlier risked their lives to sail a ship across an ocean to start anew.  And to the keepers of the land before them, I say thank you.  Truly, the spirit of the America I now know, began long before the signatures on that famous scroll. 
     That spirit wanes at times.  We the people are guilty of becoming complacent-taking for granted the freedom that has been tested time and time again.  But, surely as the seasons change, we come together as One Nation when the going is tough...or heart wrenching.  Together, we become a formidable force.  We celebrate our country's victories together.  We grieve our losses as One.    
     We are a country born of, and growing due to, immigrants that have heard the rumors and want to have a piece of that apple pie.  Today hundreds of those immigrants will be sworn in as Americans, after years of struggle, prejudice, and studying the history of this country.  Most of them know more about the history of America than those born to this country.  That is because being a citizen of this country is, to them, a privilege.  One worth memorizing "how many amendments have been made to the Constitution?'  (It's 27). Are there bad apples?  Of course.  But, as the saying goes..."One bad apple don't spoil the whole bunch (girl)...wait that was a song...but the point remains.
     Today families will gather for cookouts and parties.  Friends will gather for cookouts and parties.  At the end of the day, all eyes will be on spacious skies as fireworks gallantly gleam...and BOOM!  And this year...this year we can celebrate our country's stubbornness.  A stubbornness that brought down the leader to an evil, American-hating, murdering group.  A stubbornness that will continue to protect this country from further harm and "haters."  We can be proud of that toddler mentality.  
     So, today, forget "bi-partisan lines", mudslinger politics and anti...anything.  Be one.  Be proud that so many young people are willing to protect your country.  Be mindful of "those that gave all."  Stop for a moment and remember how blessed you are to be allowed to disagree with what government does, without being jailed, maimed or...killed.  Listen to Lee Greenwood for the hundredth time, and take in those words, "where at least I know I'm free."  Because you are.  WE are. 
     God, continue to bless America.  Because we love Her...warts and all.

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