Sunday, May 26, 2013


I am an American.   I am proud of that.  Still.

I am proud of a country that comes together during tragedy.  I am proud of a country that
allows me to write this blog, speak my discontent, sing the songs I like.

"Speak my discontent."  Discontent?  With what, those from other countries may ask.  In the "land of opportunity", what could you possibly be discontented about?  From their view, this country is light years better than from where they came.  Perhaps they escaped starvation, oppression, and torture.  Worse than that of the United States.  Worse.

For the first time, recently, I posted my disappointment with our Commander In Chief.  It was a big step.  I'd not done so earlier, simply because I was embarrassed.  Embarrassed that I'd voted...again...for "change".  I voted, I thought, for the lesser of two evils.  Or at least an evil I could live with, as the complete lack of concern for the middle class the opponent represented infuriated me.  Of course, all of my discontent is not piled on the President.  The "mean kid" fights going on in the legislature is appalling.  And yet, I am proud to be an American.

I was raised watching my Mother moved to tears at every parade, as the color guard, or the Veterans passed by.  I knew there must be something very special about them at a young age.  Unfortunately, during my selfish years, feeling patriotic was near the bottom of my list. Oh, I was still glad to be in America, just not proud of it. 

And then The Gulf War became the first "real" war I remember.  I had vague memories of Vietnam, but it was mostly the ghostly body counts announced at the end of newscasts.  But, now, it was in my face.  I remember crying at the announcement, for all the young soldiers being put in harms way.  I walked the Memorial Day parade to the courthouse of the county seat to hear uplifting stories, and sing "God Bless The USA with the crowd, through tears.  A proud American was born.  To this day that song brings me to tears. "Where at least I know I'm free".

Free.  Our Constitution assures us that, indeed, we are free.  Our government is steadily putting that luxury is question.  And it scares me.  A lot.  As a disabled American, depending on disability, I am terrified of losing my health care; losing some of my income.  Because an out of touch President, Congress, and House don't care about the middle class.  How ironic.

What keeps me proud, however, are the men and women who volunteer to stand up for this country, warts and all.  They put their young lives on the line to ensure that the lack of freedoms of other lands do not land on our shores.  They do exactly what they are ordered to do, even if that request is pampering spoiled government.

And now.  Now, I prepare myself for my own son to enter into that world.  In January of 2014 he will sign up for the U.S. Marine Corps.  It has been his dream since he was nine years old.  His is the kind of proud of this country that our own government needs to be.
As his mother, my emotions are mixed, of course.  It makes my heart ache, and my eyes tear.  But, I could not be more proud!  Perhaps, I did something right. 

So, on this Memorial Day, I salute those who "gave all".  Hoping, praying, that my young Marine-to-be won't end up one of them, but proud that he loves this country enough to chance it.

Semper Fi, son.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Ann for your courage to stand up for your beliefs & America. Your heritage in your mom & grandma is solid. God bless Nick as he takes his own courageous step.
    ~ Deanna
